The online courses are opened on the E-learning training system in the academic year of 2022-2023 are as follows:
Code: 21111019
Code: 21111037
Code: 21111049
Code: 21111047
Code: 21111014
Code: 21111025
Code: 131214903
Code: 211114021
Code: 21111060
Code: 170214050
Code: 21111012
Port and marine constructions – 3ECTS
(Cảng và công trình biển – 2TC)
Start time: January – May 2023
Summary: The course provides basic knowledge of port and marine constructions; the basic factors to consider in the design of port planning; port master plan; environmental conditions to consider when designing and planning ports and marine structures; planning and design of port’s waters; port design and marine structures
Marine resources and environment management- 3 ECTS
(Quản lý tài nguyên và môi trường biển- 2TC)
Start time: September – December 2022
Summary: The course provides basic knowledge about the resources of the sea and islands, tools for the management of marine resources, marine pollution and the control of marine pollution. The course also introduces the knowledge of the country’s marine and island environment.
Fishery oceanography -3 ECTS (Hải dương học nghề cá – 2TC)
Start time: January – May 2023
Summary: The course provides basic knowledge on oceanography applying on fishery at different issues. In addition, the course will also help the student to analysis the fishery statistic data and forecasting the fishing ground. The course will also provide student the concepts of climate change affecting on fisheries.
River sea interactions – 4.5 ECTS (Tương tác sông biển – 3TC)
Start time: September – December 2022
Summary: Provide the knowledge of the influence of the river into the sea; identify scientific issue of upper boundary of sea impacts into the river, supporting to determinate the scope of coastal management; Provide the approaches to identify marine fronts that help to detect potential areas for high primary productivity and fishing grounds; Understand the approaches to determinate the ROFI in the coastal areas as well as the areas affected by physical processes...
Control of marine pollution – 3ECTS (Kiểm soát ô nhiễm biển – 3TC)
Start time: January – May 2023
Summary: This course will provide students with in-depth knowledge of the environmental field and skills to perform environmental management according to modern development trends. Specifically, the course will provide students with knowledge of measures to prevent and control marine pollution and related legal requirements in the control and monitoring of marine environment.
Marine Ecology – 4.5 ECTS (Sinh thái biển – 3TC)
Start time: January – May 2023
Summary: Provide an understanding of the patterns of abundance and diversity of marine organisms and the processes in marine ecosystems; Understand the complexity of marine systems and how to quantifying them; Understand how to design the experiments/ collect data for the development of theory and solutions to environmental and conservation problems in coastal/marine habitats.
Modelling marine environment – 4.5 ECTS
(Mô hình hóa môi trường biển – 3 TC)
Start time: September – December 2022
Summary: The course provides basic knowledge of modelling contaminants transmission processes in marine environments. In addition, the course introduces basic applications of modelling pollution processes in solving practical problems of marine pollution.
Map digitization- 4,5ECTS – (Kỹ thuật số hóa bản đồ – 3TC)
Start time: September – December 2022
Summary: The course provides knowledge on map digitization, digital maps used in hydrometeorology. Equip knowledge about specialized geographic information systems and map digitization. Application of GIS to solve specific problems in the field of hydrometeorology.
Remote sensing application- 4,5 ECTS
(Viễn thám ứng dụng- 3TC)
Start time: January – May 2023
Summary: Provide basic knowledge of marine science and technology. technology to acquire, process and analyze raw remote sensing information as well as analyzed products on marine environmental characteristics. Equip knowledge and sample projects on application of remote sensing technology in solving practical requirements of marine science and technology research.
GIS application in marine resource management
(Ứng dụng GIS trong quản lý biển – 4,5 ECTS)
Start time: January – May 2023
Summary: This course equips advanced knowledge on spatial analysis, database construction, GIS application and thematic map making for the management of marine resources and environment.
Fundamentals of remote sensing and GIS– 3 ECTS
(Cơ sở Viễn thám và GIS – 2 TC)
Start time: September – December 2022
Summary: Provide basic knowledge about the principles and operating principles of remote sensing and GIS systems. Help students understand remote sensing, GIS as a tool to help research and manage environmental resources. Equip basic knowledge for practical remote sensing modules, image processing and interpretation, applied and advanced remote sensing.
Physical Geography of the East Sea- 3 ECTS
(Địa lý tự nhiên Biển Đông – 3 ECTS)
Start time: September – December 2022
Summary: The course provides basic knowledge on the location, natural features of the East Sea and the system of coastal islands, types of resources in the East Sea, issues of natural disasters, pollution and related Law of the Sea conventions.